What is Resume? What is the purpose of the resume? Why is Resume required?

Whenever vacancies arise from any company, the candidate who is selected by the candidate who is selected for the selection of candidates is called the Resume.

For any type of job whether it is academic or non-academic, whether it is a private company's job or a job of a MNC (Multi National Company) Everywhere you need a resume or CV to get a job. Whenever a vacancy comes out of a company, the first step of the selection of candidates is reusme. Candidates resume their resume for that vacancy. Based on the reusme of Candidates, company recuiters decide whether to call those candidates for a job or not.

Most candidates consider the resume and CV to be the same. And every company has to send a single resume or CV for every job position. So that his resume is not read. And they get very less chance of getting a job.

What is Resume?

A resume is a document that presents your education, qualifications, work experience, short summary of the achievements in front of the company's HR Manager, in which you can Are willing

In the resume, your education, work experience, efficiency, qualifications and important points of your achievements are mentioned. Resume are not much bigger. It is only one or two pages, so it is highlighted only by those things and information that are involved in the needs of that job. Everything in the resume is written in short. Resume, according to Job's requirement, can be changed according to Job Profile. Resume are a snapshot of the professional profile of the candidate. Resumes are just a way to reach the interview. On the basis of the resume, candidates are shortlisted for interview.

Online job matching services According to a study by The Ladders, the company providing recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds on reading any Resume. In these 6 seconds recruiters decide whether to select the resume for the interview. Therefore, the Resume are made smaller. And there should be more than 2 pages.

Therefore, in your resume, your skills, qualifications and experience should be written so effectively that it will affect the recruiters after seeing resume and they can select your resume at first sight.

Most people do not know how to make a good resume? Creating a resume is also an art. If he has all the qualities, qualifications, which are necessary for the job for which you are applying, but if you are not able to tell it through your resume, then all your qualities, all the merit are useless. Interviewer will put your resume in the dustbin without reading it.

In a way you can resume your sale letter or advertisement. Those who present your skills, those capabilities very effectively before the interviewer whose interviewer needs for that job. To understand the pattern of the resume, see and understand the example below.

What is the purpose of the resume?

Whenever any vacancy is opened in any company, the company removes the job of vacancy, the job profile, role, responsibilities, requirements for the job, qualifications etc. Then the resign of candidates of the company before the hiring manager interview. On the basis of the resume, the hiring manager decides whether the candidate is suitable for that job profile. Those qualifications, skills, experience the interviewer wants in any candidate for that position. He only knows it from his resume. On the basis of the resume the hiring manager calls the candidate for an interview.

If the candidate goes to interview in such a company, and he goes there to find out that the vacancy is not worth it or he is not suitable for that vacancy, then it will be time and money for both the candidate and the company. Damage occurs. Shortlisting on the basis of the resume benefits both the candidate and the recruiters, both of which save time and money.

Why is Resume necessary?

Some people believe that resume is just a document to call for interview. While it is not so. Along with the interview call, it is a tool that effectively sells your abilities, experience, efficiency and achievements in front of your prospective employer. It introduces you to your prospective employer, impresses it, presents your career snapshot in front of it.

Therefore, resume is an important document to get new jobs, new opportunities, interview calls. From the resume itself the interviewer selects the suitable candidate from hundreds of crowds. Resume is the first stairway to enter into an organization. Resume gives the candidates an opportunity to talk face to face with recruiters.

Where is the resume given?

Generally, Resume are given for all types of private jobs, MNC jobs, business, industry, governmental and non-profit jobs.

Types of Resume

Mainly the resume is of 4 types.

*Chronological Resume
*Qualification and Functional Resume
*Combination Resume
*Targeted Resume

-*- Some things to keep in mind when making Resume.

The résumé should be simple, effective and professional. Do not write unnecessary things in the resume.
If you are resume the job profile you want, resume your resume with the same qualifications, qualifications, skills, work experience and keywords.
Résumé should be customized according to every company and every job profile.
There should be no gramatical mistakes and spelling errors in the resume.
Resume should not be more than 2 page.
Every thing in the résumé, every fact should be absolutely true. Never forget about any wrong information or false thing in the resume.
Never write personal details such as age, religion, marriage status, birthdate, sex, father name etc. in the resume.
Resume should not include awards, honors, publications, presentations, teaching experience, assistantship, grants or experience or information that is not required for that job.

What information should be given in the resume?

Contact Details
Career Objective / Summary
Work Experience
Educational Qualification
Qualifications & Interests (Skill & Strength / Hobbies)
Additional Courses